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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Supplements Canada

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Buy one & get One $25 BOGO 2 x BSN - Amino X - 30 servings

BOGO 2 x BSN - Amino X - 30 servings
$59.98 CAD

Over the years, BSN® has supplied the supplement world with a host of novel muscle-building products. In our undying quest to bring exciting and innovative products to the marketplace, we have developed the newest supplement breakthrough with BSN®'s highly-anticipated entry into the amino acid market: AMINOx™ – the first Effervescent Instantized Amino Acid Endurance and Recovery Agent. AMINOx™ is designed to support:
  • Protein Synthesis
  • Muscle Sparing
  • Recovery from Training Sessions
  • Endurance
  • World's First Effervescent Instantized Amino Acid Product
  • 10 g of Micronized Anti-Catabolic Amino Acids per Serving!
  • 0 g of Sugar per Serving
  • 500 Anabolic IUs of Vitamin D per Serving
  • Caffeine-Free – Can Be Used Anytime, Day or Night
  • Mixes Completely (No Clumping)


Stack with NITRIX®, N.O.-XPLODE™ 2.0, AXIS-HT™, SYNTHA-6™ and TRUE-MASS® for maximum physique and performance impact.
DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 6 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice before, during, or after your workout.
To prevent settling, stir and drink immediately. To ensure maximum results: wait 20-30 minutes after taking AMINOx™ before eating a meal or drinking a shake.
To maximize the effects of AMINOx™ consume 120 oz. of water per day and a diet that is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Your body chemistry and weight will determine how long it takes to experience the effects of AMINOx™. AMINOx™ begins to induce its maximum effects in weeks 3-12. After 12 weeks of use, discontinue for at least 4 weeks.

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BOGO 2 x BSN - Amino X - 30 servings

$59.98 CAD

Over the years, BSN® has supplied the supplement world with a host of novel muscle-building products. In our undying quest to bring exciting and innovative products to the marketplace, we have developed the newest supplement breakthrough with BSN®'s highly-anticipated entry into the amino acid market: AMINOx™ – the first Effervescent Instantized Amino Acid Endurance and Recovery Agent. AMINOx™ is designed to support:
  • Protein Synthesis
  • Muscle Sparing
  • Recovery from Training Sessions
  • Endurance
  • World's First Effervescent Instantized Amino Acid Product
  • 10 g of Micronized Anti-Catabolic Amino Acids per Serving!
  • 0 g of Sugar per Serving
  • 500 Anabolic IUs of Vitamin D per Serving
  • Caffeine-Free – Can Be Used Anytime, Day or Night
  • Mixes Completely (No Clumping)


Stack with NITRIX®, N.O.-XPLODE™ 2.0, AXIS-HT™, SYNTHA-6™ and TRUE-MASS® for maximum physique and performance impact.
DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 6 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice before, during, or after your workout.
To prevent settling, stir and drink immediately. To ensure maximum results: wait 20-30 minutes after taking AMINOx™ before eating a meal or drinking a shake.
To maximize the effects of AMINOx™ consume 120 oz. of water per day and a diet that is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Your body chemistry and weight will determine how long it takes to experience the effects of AMINOx™. AMINOx™ begins to induce its maximum effects in weeks 3-12. After 12 weeks of use, discontinue for at least 4 weeks.

Buy one & get One half price - BOGO 2 x BPI - Blox - 28 servings

BOGO 2 x BPI - Blox - 28 servings

BOGO 2 x BPI - Blox - 28 servings

$65.98 CAD

  • Ultra Concentrated 5.02g per scoop
  • Builds Muscle
  • Speeds Recovery
  • Increases Stamina
SAAs -- the perfect protein that you've never heard of ...
What exactly are SAAs?
SAAs (Silk Amino Acids) are a remarkable and innovative Amino Acid Sequence just recently discovered by a bold team of scientists. You see, SAAs are a chain of eighteen plus particular amino acids -- but, it's not so much the eighteen that researchers found to be of greatest import … it's five -- yes, five -- in a precise sequence and precise ratio that matter! And, when these five SAAs are in this precise sequence and precise ratio … it's like turning on football stadium lights in pitch black darkness!!!
This Exact Sequenced Composition And Precise Ratio produces optimal pro-anabolic results!
SAAs: more muscle, more stamina, more testosterone boosting...
Recommended Usage

Suggested Use: Take one (1) scoop with 8oz of ice cold water before, during, or after your workout. Use once daily on training days and throughout the day on non-training days. In the morning on an empty stomach or as directed by a qualified healthcare practitioner. Take year round.

Nutritional Facts

Buy one & get One half price - BOGO 2 x BPI - Blox - 28 servings

BOGO 2 x BPI - Blox - 28 servings

BOGO 2 x BPI - Blox - 28 servings

$65.98 CAD

  • Ultra Concentrated 5.02g per scoop
  • Builds Muscle
  • Speeds Recovery
  • Increases Stamina
SAAs -- the perfect protein that you've never heard of ...
What exactly are SAAs?
SAAs (Silk Amino Acids) are a remarkable and innovative Amino Acid Sequence just recently discovered by a bold team of scientists. You see, SAAs are a chain of eighteen plus particular amino acids -- but, it's not so much the eighteen that researchers found to be of greatest import … it's five -- yes, five -- in a precise sequence and precise ratio that matter! And, when these five SAAs are in this precise sequence and precise ratio … it's like turning on football stadium lights in pitch black darkness!!!
This Exact Sequenced Composition And Precise Ratio produces optimal pro-anabolic results!
SAAs: more muscle, more stamina, more testosterone boosting...
Recommended Usage

Suggested Use: Take one (1) scoop with 8oz of ice cold water before, during, or after your workout. Use once daily on training days and throughout the day on non-training days. In the morning on an empty stomach or as directed by a qualified healthcare practitioner. Take year round.

Nutritional Facts