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Monday, December 31, 2012

Nutrabolics - Swollen - 168 g (60 Servings)

Nutrabolics - Swollen - 168 g (60 Servings)

Nutrabolics - Swollen - 168 g (60 Servings)
$49.99 CADwas $64.99 CAD

2X Ultra Concentrated Pre-Workout Intensifier
When it comes to psyching yourself up for the gym everyone looks for a pre-workout supplement that can deliver that special edge - something that will knock you over with massive pumps and surging energy. Well, look no further. Nothing hits you harder or faster than Nutrabolics' 2x ultra-concentrated pump-inducing pre-workout – SWOLLEN!™
This clinically inspired formula is backed by scientifically-researched, real-world dosages of the most potent ingredients legally available. Utilizing Nutrabolics' signature AE2™ nitric oxide technology and powered by the hi-tech extract AstraGin™ - which is clinically proven to increase Nitric Oxide Arginine absorption by 62% - SWOLLEN™ has the power to unleash the most massive and perpetual pumps you will ever experience. For those who don't have time to waste with ineffective formulas, get your SWOLE ON today with SWOLLEN™ and experience some of the fiercest work-outs of your life!
Our high-intensity formula is now available in our brand new powdered form!

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